Friday, February 20, 2009

Where I am at

The project I would do again is the taking apart junk and make sculptures out of it. I had a lot fun taking apart the junk because it let out I guess emotions building up inside. I am still creating my sculpture but I really like the way that its going. I am making a flamingo out of a lot of pink sequins and pink junk. What i have so far is a body, head (eyes, beak and all). I am really excited for my grandmas reaction because it is for her because of how energetic she is (the color reparsents that) and for her balance of life (the flamingos legs balancing). I would love to do this project again and was very awesome. 

An artist I would research again would be the most recent one I have done. I researched Sarah Stockholder. Her work is bright and colorful and quite enjoyable. Stockholder does her hart with found things. Sometimes trash and sometimes not. She takes the found objects that could be plain and boing but paints them to be fun and nice to look at. I only saw a couple of her art works but if I another chance to research her I would go further into depth. 

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