Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Jessica Stockholder

My first impression: In this interesting sculpture there are cool aspects. Most of it is made out of stuff you could find randomly in the trash except for the paint. The shoelaces that lace up the tuber ware gives it a urban look while the chain and plunger gives the sculpture a dirty and dangerous look. Even though this is 3D the colors make it pop out. The warm (red&orange) colors make it pop out the most because the sculpture is up against blank white and black backdrops. 

What I have learned: The artist Jessica Stockholder was born in Seattle, Washington but grew up in British Columbia. She studied art at Yale & University of British Columbia. In this sculpture she has used oil paints, couch cushions, hardware, plastic containers, shoes laces, a chain, toilet plunger, and plastic scoops. 

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